Atlin Visitor Information

The Atlin Airport is located approximately 3 kilometres east of Atlin. It is an easy walk but you can flag down a friendly local or make arrangements with one of the Atlin lodging establishments in town for a ride.
Click the “Discover Atlin” button below for a summary of options for accommodations in town:

Some Atlin businesses are closed seasonally so it is best to call ahead if you are counting on their services.

Camp Under Your Wing

Guests to the Atlin Airport are welcome to camp under their airplane wing. There is a grassy area north of the log cabin on the other side of a stand of pine, beside a gantry on the public lot. Water is not available on site. Wifi is available to Atlin Airport guests at the log cabin with the local frequency sign.

Atlin Airport Procedures

Aviation procedures for arriving and departing from the Atlin Airport are updated regularly in the Canada Flight Supplement. Please refer to the Supplement for direction.